What do you think of the word thick?


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Our heroine, Olivia (Livy to Luca) D’Amato doesn’t love that description of her physique. She says she thinks of thick slices of ham and thick slices of bacon. She doesn’t want to be either of those. Even in my most slender days as a teenager, I heard myself described that way more than once. I get the meaning. I get that it’s not always a negative connotation, especially in many cultures, but I–as an insecure teenager–used the think I wasn’t a slice of ham or bacon.

I often intersperse some of my own experiences or thoughts into my books. Little quips and phrases I use or little things I’ve experienced. I think that’s part of the reason my readers in both Contemporary and Historical say my stories feel authentic. They are. People also ask how I come up with realistic dialogue or reactions. I know my characters are a product of my imagination, but I try to put myself in their shoes. If I were really this person, what would I say or do? And yes, during my scenes where my mafiosos are taking care of enemies, I think about what I would do. Rather vindicating and satisfying, even if I would never actually do those things. It’s as much a part of the satisfying fantasy as the love story and sex.

Speaking of sex—because why wouldn’t we given what I write? I went to this awesome conference back on the 11th. They held it in LA, so not too far from me. It was all about erotica and erotic stories. There were several authors there giving panels about different stories that titillate or arouse. I don’t write erotica—sex doesn’t drive the story, and they’re not primarily meant to arouse—but I do write erotic scenes. My guess is you’re into that since you’re reading my books and Mafia in general. I came away with some ideas and some swag. The swag will go in upcoming giveaway boxes, so stay tuned.

Learn more about Sabine’s books.